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    Explore Our New Educational Trainings

    Explore Our New Educational Trainings

    What We Have Accomplished This Year

    Posted: Jul 10, 2023

    Of course, we did all of our usual work of writing code, completing high tech projects, and taking care of our customers.

    By doing that, Ultra Tendency maintained its place on the Focus Business / Statista list of fastest growing firms in Germany. We have been keeping this up since 2018!

    One of the most visible changes was to our look. We developed and adopted a new set of logos and fonts to use in our communication with the public. This new set of logos conveys our focus on the cutting edge of data technologies and adds friendly colors to emphasize our openness to a range of partnerships across the globe. This is how our main logo looks now as of 2022.

    We also found our mission to support healthy lifestyles, healthy work life, and sports. That is why you are reading this right now. We initiated our sponsorship of the SBB Baskets of Wolmirstedt last year, along with 1. FC Magdeburg, and a youth football team, VfB Ottersleben e.V. At Ultra Tendency, work-life balance is at the core of what we do. Work makes possible the finer things in life and even some of the basics: the enjoyment of movement, of friendly competition, and of camaraderie.

    But office life and knowledge work often entail a lot of sitting down. So we reserved a day in November to encourage and celebrate healthy habits. This includes healthy eating and appropriate posture. To this end, we brought in a smorgasbord of healthy snacks for our colleagues and an expert on strong posture in all the typical positions one uses in the normal run of a day at the office. Sascha Zimmerman of MyGym in Wolmirstedt used the MediMouse to measure the spinal health of Ultra Tendency colleagues and to make recommendations for the improvement of posture.

    Earlier in the summer, we also hosted our annual get-together for employees worldwide. Ultra Tendency colleagues arrived at the 1. FC Magdeburg stadium from all corners of Germany, from Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Nepal, and the United States. Out of about one-hundred employees, eighty of us ate, drank, and mingled before we heard great speeches from our CEO Dr. Robert Neumann and our CRO Mr. Robin Werner. We were then treated to live music from two talented Ultra Tendency employees.

    Finally, we partnered with Rheumakinder e.V. to help a family in need. Children suffering from rheumatoid arthritis often avoid exercise for fear of aggravating their condition. But children with this condition need physical activity as much as any other child. Fortunately, these children can move like any other, but it especially helps if they have implements designed to help them exercise.

    So Ultra Tendency donated the funds for a therapy scooter for a local child and assembled it for her. Pictured here with her family and Ultra Tendency management, Lina is happy to have the scooter!

    Here's to a happy and productive 2023!