Kafka Training

    Kafka - In just one day

    1 date
    Modern Tech-Stacks, aiming for cohesive IT environments, typically decouple services and applications. Asynchronous communication is essential, necessitating a robust, scalable Messaging System with high throughput. Apache Kafka, excelling in these areas, surpasses services like RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, or Redis. This training offers fundamentals and hands-on experience in just one day, kick-starting your journey.
    949,00 € zzgl. MwSt.


    01. Introduction
    02. Architecture & Components
    03. Messaging and Serialization
    04. Kafka Ecosystem and Best Practices
    05. Kafka Operations
    06. Your own topics


    Komplett Abgedeckt
    Teilweise Abgedeckt
    For Individuals:
    For Customized:

    You will learn:   

    • Why and when to use Kafka   

    • The most essential concepts of Kafka   

    • An overview Kafkas APIs and how to use them from a shell or python   

    • How to get started with Kafka as a Message broker and how to continue your journey  


    • A rough understanding of Linux OS   

    • First experience with a Shell like bash

    • Basics Python knowledge

    • The intention and motivation to work with Kafka and Event-based-systems   

    • Happy to share feedback with us - so that we can learn as well   

    Hardware & Infrastructure   

    You will need a functioning PC or Mac with a web browser and  MS Teams. During the training, we will provide you with a virtual machine with the required local dependencies, services, and root access. You can access the machine via a browser or SSH if you’d like, and your network's restrictions allow you to.   

    Meet the trainers

    Marvin 6
    Marvin Taschenberger
    Professional Software Architect, Ultra Tendency
    Senior Lead Big Data Developer & Berlin Territory Manager, Ultra Tendency
    Hudhaifa Ahmed
    Senior Lead Big Data Developer & Berlin Territory Manager, Ultra Tendency
    Chief Technology Officer & Principal Big Data Solutions Architect Lead, Ultra Tendency
    Matthias Baumann
    Chief Technology Officer & Principal Big Data Solutions Architect Lead, Ultra Tendency

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